Beyond Myths: Are Your Essential Oils The Real Deal?

Beyond Myths: Are Your Essential Oils The Real Deal?

What are essential oils? Essential oils are highly concentrated, potent, aromatic, volatile liquids obtained from plant material like flowers, fruit peels, leaves, roots, seeds and resin through steam distillation and extraction.  MythPure essential oils of apple,...
PORTRAITS: Graphic Designer and Content Creator, Megan Pannata

PORTRAITS: Graphic Designer and Content Creator, Megan Pannata

"Everything happens for a reason —it has helped me so much in understanding life in a positive way."  Megan is no stranger to the fashion scene, having modelled for and collaborated with numerous fashion brands...
Paloma Hair Oil: Three Ways

Paloma Hair Oil: Three Ways

Our Paloma Hair Oil and 0. Hair Oil are formulated with 100% plant-based oils, each with their respective hair-loving benefits, and guarantee no silicones or cost-cutting fillers, or any ingredients that may cause harm to your...
Essential Oils: How Do They Work?

Essential Oils: How Do They Work?

If you have been reading our Field Notes or have been following us on our socials, you'd have noticed our focus on differentiating essential oils from fragrance oils, and why we exclusively use essential oils to scent our rituals. In...
What Are Endocrine Disruptors and How Do They Impact Us?

What Are Endocrine Disruptors and How Do They Impact Us?

Endocrine disruptors is a term that has been surfacing a lot lately, especially in the clean beauty and food industries. Do you know what exactly they are and how they can impact you? What are...
Eartha Recipe: Snow Fungus with Pear

Resep Eartha: Jamur Salju dengan Pir

Jamur Salju dengan Pir, minuman kecantikan yang membantu mengurangi hilangnya kolagen pada kulit, memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi dan manfaat menutrisi paru-paru.   Bahan-bahan 1,6 liter air 2 buah pir 25g jamur salju 20 gr kurma merah...
Beyond Myths: Have You Been Using Essential Oils Wrongly?

Melampaui Mitos: Apakah Anda Salah Menggunakan Minyak Atsiri?

Mitos Minyak atsiri itu alami, jadi saya bisa menyebarkannya di ruangan saya selama saya mau.   Kebenaran Difusi minyak esensial yang berkepanjangan tidak hanya gagal meningkatkan manfaatnya tetapi juga dapat menyebabkan stres tambahan pada tubuh,...
The Biggest Myths About Body Oil: Setting the Record Straight

Mitos Terbesar Tentang Minyak Tubuh: Meluruskan Catatannya

Minyak tubuh, atau bahkan minyak wajah dan rambut secara umum terkadang memiliki reputasi buruk karena dianggap sebagai pilihan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan lotion dan krim. Kami di sini untuk menghilangkan prasangka mitos tentang minyak...
Unlock the Power of Body Oils: 9 Ways to Incorporate It Into Your Ritual

Buka Kekuatan Minyak Tubuh: 9 Cara Memasukkannya ke dalam Ritual Anda

Minyak tubuh adalah tambahan yang sangat serbaguna untuk rutinitas perawatan kulit apa pun, menawarkan berbagai manfaat, seperti melembabkan kulit kering dan meningkatkan relaksasi untuk mengurangi tingkat stres. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mempelajari 9 cara...