Eartha Recipe: Apple Red Date Tea

Eartha Recipe: Apple Red Date Tea

This Apple Red Date Tea is great for its nourishing benefits for the complexion and circulation-boosting properties. What’s more, it boasts a sweet, aromatic flavour, without any bitter or medicinal taste. Here’s how we prepare it:...
Beyond Myths: Are Your Essential Oils The Real Deal?

Beyond Myths: Are Your Essential Oils The Real Deal?

What are essential oils? Essential oils are highly concentrated, potent, aromatic, volatile liquids obtained from plant material like flowers, fruit peels, leaves, roots, seeds and resin through steam distillation and extraction.  MythPure essential oils of apple,...
PORTRAITS: Graphic Designer and Content Creator, Megan Pannata

PORTRAITS: Graphic Designer and Content Creator, Megan Pannata

"Everything happens for a reason —it has helped me so much in understanding life in a positive way."  Megan is no stranger to the fashion scene, having modelled for and collaborated with numerous fashion brands...
Paloma Hair Oil: Three Ways

Paloma Hair Oil: Three Ways

Our Paloma Hair Oil and 0. Hair Oil are formulated with 100% plant-based oils, each with their respective hair-loving benefits, and guarantee no silicones or cost-cutting fillers, or any ingredients that may cause harm to your...
Essential Oils: How Do They Work?

Essential Oils: How Do They Work?

If you have been reading our Field Notes or have been following us on our socials, you'd have noticed our focus on differentiating essential oils from fragrance oils, and why we exclusively use essential oils to scent our rituals. In...
What Are Endocrine Disruptors and How Do They Impact Us?

What Are Endocrine Disruptors and How Do They Impact Us?

Endocrine disruptors is a term that has been surfacing a lot lately, especially in the clean beauty and food industries. Do you know what exactly they are and how they can impact you? What are...
Eartha Recipe: Snow Fungus with Pear

Eartha 食谱:梨子雪耳

雪耳梨是一种美容饮品,有助于减少皮肤胶原蛋白的流失,具有抗炎和养肺的功效。   原料 1.6升水 2 个梨 雪耳 25克 无核红枣 20克 枸杞 15克 指示 1. 银耳用冷水浸泡30分钟,泡软后将银耳切成小块,去掉核,用水泡1小时。 2.将梨切碎,将所有材料与煮熟的银耳和水混合,再冲泡30分钟。 3. 倒出并趁热享用。 提示:您知道吗,健康水壶具有“保温”功能,如果您全天饮用,这个功能特别有用。
Beyond Myths: Have You Been Using Essential Oils Wrongly?


神话 精油是天然的,所以只要我愿意,我就可以在我的空间里散发它们。   真相 长时间扩散精油不仅无法增强其功效,还会给身体带来额外压力,可能导致头晕、头痛和恶心等症状。因此,限制扩散时间至关重要。   推荐 如果您喜欢在自己的空间中扩散精油,那么间歇性扩散很重要。目标是扩散 60 分钟,然后休息 60 分钟。 如果与老人和儿童一起扩香,假设精油对儿童是安全的,则扩香 15-30 分钟,然后休息 30 分钟。
The Biggest Myths About Body Oil: Setting the Record Straight


身体油,甚至面部和头发油通常有时被认为比乳液和面霜效果差。我们来揭穿关于身体油的谣言。 身体油不适合新加坡的天气。 轻质油通常用于身体油,因此吸收很快,尤其是在皮肤潮湿或湿润时。它们一旦被皮肤吸收,不会留下油腻残留物或汗水,而不像一般的乳液和面霜,涂抹后通常会在皮肤上留下一层蜡质层,在潮湿的天气里也会被汗水洗去。 体油停留在皮肤表面,导致毛孔堵塞和痤疮。 脂肪酸含量高的植物油与皮脂(皮肤产生的天然油脂)类似,因此很容易被皮肤吸收。这让皮肤能够更有效地吸收随之而来的营养、维生素和抗氧化剂。 所有的油都是一样的。 并非所有油都是一样的。例如,矿物油是石油生产的副产品。涂抹后,它们会在皮肤上留下一层油,但不会被皮肤吸收。然而,天然植物油能够深入渗透到皮肤深处,滋养皮肤并锁住水分。 身体油应涂抹在干燥的皮肤上。 我们强烈建议在湿润的皮肤上涂抹身体油,因为当你的皮肤已经补水时,添加这层保护屏障可以帮助锁住所有水分。当在已经缺水的皮肤上涂抹身体油时,油几乎不会帮助皮肤重新补水。  体油会弄脏我的衣服。 我们的身体油会很快渗入皮肤,尤其是当你在淋浴后立即在潮湿或湿润的皮肤上使用身体油时,因为皮肤会吸收所有水分。不过,为了以防万一,最好还是等几分钟再穿衣服。 我们的身体油采用角鲨烷、黄金荷荷巴油、红花籽油和辣木籽油等植物油配制而成。这些油不致粉刺且质地轻盈,可快速吸收,不会堵塞毛孔。相反,它会深层滋养您的皮肤,让您的皮肤焕发健康光泽。 我们的夏日遐想身体油中添加的精油不仅为这种混合物提供了令人精神振奋而又踏实的香味,还提供各种芳香疗法的益处。 甜橙高含量的柠檬烯有助于保护皮肤免受紫外线和环境污染造成的伤害。 依兰依兰具有丰富的保湿成分,可保持皮肤得到充分滋养。 广藿香具有抗炎特性,可缓解刺激和发红。 在这里购买我们的身体油。